Why Traditional Publishing Should Kiss Self-ePublishing’s Feet!

Traditional publishers should welcome self-published ebooks for the same reason major league baseball clubs are grateful for good farm teams. Fact is, traditional publishers have large infrastructures that require the books we publish to perform at a certain level. If every book we publish sells 300 copies, we’ll be out of business in a year. […]

Don’t Go It Alone

It was my son’s first day of kindergarten, and to be honest my wife and I were a wreck. He’s our first child, and while I think we knew deep down he was ready, was he really? Could he do this? Could we? I picked him up, held him. Trying to steady my voice I […]

When the Best Thing to Do Is Reject Humility

First, consider your context. Fast food chains promote vigorously, as do soda companies, porn vendors, alcohol labels, and your local casino or lotto. And you’re perplexed about promoting something that might actually help someone? Then consider the amount of work you’ve invested in this thing. Hours, right? Hours upon hours. If you’re going to spend […]

How to Start a Sustainable Blog

A few days back a colleague asked me how I started my blog. That’s funny because it feels like my blog is all of three days old. I’m a baby in this thing. But then I thought it might be useful to capture what I did while it’s still fresh. I wish I had been […]

How Tension Can Lead You to Life

Take two breaths. I’m going to show you where one of them comes from. It all starts (and ends) with phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are single-cell organisms that float throughout our planet’s oceans. Billions of them. And they have a nemesis: viruses. Here’s what happens. Viruses try to batter their way through the outer shells of the […]