5 Ways Stories Can Make Your Writing Irresistible

Discovering the Many Forms of Narrative

The one thing all good writers have in common is the ability to tell stories. Stories draw us in. And when we read good stories from a particular author, we want to go back when that author tells more stories. It’s as if a transaction is always occurring just below the surface between author and […]

5 Ways Writing Can Increase Intimacy between You and Your Spouse

Inviting Your Spouse into the Creative Process

My friend and coworker started off our premarried class by proclaiming to a room full of optimistic but naïve engaged and dating couples, “MARRIAGE IS HARD, AND YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!” While the chances of death for each of us continues to clock in at a solid 100 percent, all married couples know the […]

6 Takeaways for Writers from the #1 New York Times Bestseller *Originals*

Strategies to Help You Truly Stand Out and Make Your Mark Forever

As I’ve gone about my travels recently, one book has stood out to me again and again. For one thing the cover is irresistibly head-turning; the promise of the title is also compelling. I’m referring to Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, the #1 New York Times bestseller from respected Wharton business school professor Adam Grant. I […]

Veteran Book Publicist Reveals How to Attract Media Attention

An Interview with Heather Adams, Cofounder of Choice Media and Communications 

Book publishers often think of publicity as the Holy Grail of marketing and for good reason: Media attention has the potential to skyrocket sales. So how does it all work and what do writers need to know about attracting media attention? To find out I turned to 20-year book publicist Heather Adams of Choice Media […]

This One Decision Will Release Your Extraordinary and Unique Creativity

At my local YMCA, the gym where I’m a member, you go one direction to lift weights or use machines. You go the other direction to attend one of the group fitness classes. Earlier this week I decided, for the first time since joining a couple of months ago, to go the group fitness direction. […]

How a Writer Self-Published a High-Quality Book That Now Generates a Passive Income

And You Can Do the Same . . .

Anyone looking at my resume would probably not consider me employable. And yet every job I’ve worked has informed what I do now in my life as a solopreneur. Once I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grew up (at 50), I decided to publish a book. The book had been inside […]

5 Literary Agents Tell You Exactly How to Secure Representation for Your Book

Exploring 5 Different Methods

I travel a bit for work, and one part of the process that always causes me a bit of anxiety is getting into my hotel room. The process is rarely without incident. Often I feel like a complete doofus as I swipe my key card a dozen times waiting for the green light to flash […]

My Problem with “Platform”

3 Reasons the Term Needs Nuance

Publishing professionals have been using the term “platform” for a long time. And once my friend and Baker author Michael Hyatt wrote his New York Times bestseller Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, the term became ensconced forever in publishing parlance. These days we can’t review a book proposal without using the term multiple […]