10 Tips for Taming the Email Beast

Email, for all its benefits, is the scourge of our age. What began as a handy way to communicate has become a relentless slave driver. Who hasn’t arrived at one’s workstation ready to make solid progress on something that really matters only to find oneself a million hours later in servitude to email? I’m convinced […]

The Lazy Person’s Guide to Incredibly Productive Meetings

I’m pleased to be guest-posting at the Accidental Creative blog today. Here’s the beginning… We’ve all been there. You show up to a meeting and it takes 15-20 minutes to get the necessary technology up and running. Or the agenda is unclear, so everybody’s spinning their wheels. Or you don’t understand your role within the meeting. Or […]

How Answering One Scary Question Can Lead You to the Life You’ve Always Wanted

In The 4-Hour Workweek, author Timothy Ferriss encourages readers to answer this question: If you got fired from your job tomorrow, what would you do to rescue your life from financial chaos? Sometimes reflecting on a worst-case scenario opens up whole new worlds of possibility.  Job Search I suspect many people would simply launch an […]