Dear Writer,
Remember us?
Remember the times we had, just you and me in your living room, the coffee shop down the way, your desk? The times you couldn’t get enough of me? We spent hours together, but it felt like seconds. Time stood still. Remember those times?
But we’ve drifted, haven’t we? It stopped being easy between us, started to feel like work. Oh, you hung on for a little while. But eventually you walked away. We don’t see each other nearly as often. I guess you couldn’t take the rejection anymore. You got stuck. And you found other things to do, right? Easier things? TV, shopping, Facebook. So many diversions.

Was it not enough that you were called to this, that something deep in your bones knows we’re meant to be together? Remember when that idea came to you, and you couldn’t help yourself? You sat down, and man we had a blast!
Or what about the people, the readers, we were supposed to serve together? Is it not enough that they need this from us? Not sufficient that people are waiting for your story, your message?
Or what about the fact that you may not get rich with me, but surely we could make a few bucks together? If we finished your book–the one you know you’re supposed to write–I think it’s safe to say it would sell some copies.
Anyway, I miss you. I miss hanging out and making stuff together. I know our relationship isn’t always easy (no one promised it would be), but it’s good, you know? Not painless, but important.
You know all this, I realize. Of course you do. I don’t need to tell you. Heck, I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you, that’s why I’m sending this. I feel like I’m starting to fade. The longer we’re apart, the more I drift into memory.
Well, I just thought I’d drop a line and remind you. Don’t forget me. Don’t forget your readers. Most importantly, don’t forget your art.
I was sorry to see you go, and I’m still here. We can get back together anytime, okay? Pick me up sometime?
Question: Does this letter from writing resonate with you? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
My cursor pointed right to this email as I was about to shut off my computer. For some reason, I thought, I’d better read this, and I’m glad I did. Your letter spoke directly to where I’ve been, pretty much all summer, with writing. Although I still journal, I can’t seem to figure out what to say to my blog readers anymore. I feel disconnected from them and my own voice. When I open a new post, I encounter fear and despair, and I write nothing. But, I must try. I love that feeling when I am writing and time stands still as the ideas tumble forth unbidden. I’d like to get there again.
Aimee, I hear you! Sometimes the well seems really dry, and it’s tough. I deeply appreciate your statement “I must try,” and I hope you will.
Beautiful work here as always Chad. Thanks for sharing this. It really reminded me and many others, I’m sure, of what’s really important. Thanks again and God bless
So welcome, Daniel!
“I feel like I’m starting to fade. The longer we’re apart, the more I drift into memory.”
True, the hard work of writing dissolves when we find other, “more important” things to do. Yet, the tyranny of the urgent won’t look important, when we look back later and wonder what we did “with all that time!”
Excellent point, Sally!
There’s something about writing as a day job that changes the relationship so I’m thinking there’s more than one relationship to be had with writing. And, there’s something about writing at a computer (even for art and the enjoyment ) that’s just not the same as curling up on the couch with notebook and blue pen.
Tracie, absolutely there’s more than one kind of relationship. And you’re also right that there’s more than one kind of writing!
This does resonate. There were times where an idea for a blog post would settle in, and I could sit and write it all out. Journaling is another thing that has fallen by the wayside. This is a great call to a quiet action for stopping long enough to hear those thoughts that are longing to be written down. Thanks!
You’re welcome, Holly, and thanks for taking the time to share how this message applies to you.