About a year ago I read a book that had a massive impact on the way I do life. It’s called The Accidental Creative (AL) by Todd Henry, and if you’re a friend who sees me regularly, you’re sick of hearing me talk about it.
Among the practices Todd commends in the book is that of weekly, monthly, and quarterly checkpoints. These checkpoints are basically way stations on the road of life where you step back and assess where you are, where you’re going, and what your priorities should be in light of such.
For the quarterly checkpoint, Todd recommends spending some time answering this question: What would blow your mind if it happened? The idea behind this is that if you take the time to write these things down, they are much more likely to happen.
I’ve answered with activities like running the Chicago marathon, starting a microbusiness, jumping out of an airplane, and going to Switzerland with my wife.
And then there’s one that I get to check off today.
Here it is: guest posting on AccidentalCreative.com
It really is a dream come true.
I’ll leave you with two things. First, I hope you’ll check out my post at AC. Second, I encourage you to begin writing down a list of things that would blow your mind if they happened.
Because you just never know . . .
And why not get started here? What would blow your mind if it happened?
Most who know me would think of getting my novel published would be my first answer. But when it’s done, revised, edited, re-written, revised some more…well then it happens because of the time/effort/dream/realization put into it. So that wouldn’t really blow my mind, though it would/will be pretty cool. If that doesn’t happen, then it’s not time and the book isn’t done.
A second journey into the “greatness/oneness/beauty” of all that is, with the outcome of knowing how to stay in tha realm knowing without leaving this one. Yes, that would blow my mind more than my first encounter did, which continues to do so.
Someday I’ll go back, most likely when I least expect it.
One day I’d love to start a foundation for chronically ill children. Dreaming big with Christ! Thanks for the book recommendation.
Awesome, Cynthia!!! Let me know when it happens!
I’ve never heard of this book. I’ll head over to check it out. Great work! My biggest dream… being a writer! Last year I decided to go for it, and I am slowly making my way with God’s grace.
It sounds like on one level you’ve already achieved that one, Lisa, though being a writer isn’t something one accomplishes as much as one continues pursuing day in and day out… Keep on keeping on!
Thanks for the encouragement 🙂 I have a ‘keep on’ list for sure.