16 Proven, Powerful Methods to Grow Your Email List

And Why List-Building Is the Best Way to Build Your Platform by Far

I’ve got a platform,” writers sometimes tell me. “I’m on Twitter and Facebook. I’ve got a blog.”

But here’s the litmus test for whether you have a platform: If a publisher sent a pallet of books to your garage, how many of them could you move on the strength of your own connections?

This question puts things in perspective.

Creating a Digital Asset

The reality is that building a platform takes more than being on Twitter and Facebook. Creating a blog is one thing, but getting folks to read and follow it is another.

So how do you do it? How do you build a platform that will help you broaden your influence and reach readers with your message?

The single best way to build your platform by far is growing your email list. Tweets are the definition of ephemeral. Your Facebook posts don’t make it to all your friends. But your emails land right in the inbox of every person who’s given you permission to send them there. That’s why they’re so effective.

An email list is a digital asset that you own and can leverage in whatever way you think is best.

Meet a Guy Who Grew His Email List from Zero to 40,000 in Two Years!

“OK,” you say, “great! How do I grow my email list?”

I’m glad you asked because I’m pleased to share with you an extremely useful pdf from my friend Bryan Harris, who has grown his email list from zero to 40,000 subscribers in two years.

Bryan has figured this out better than anyone I know. That’s why I’m pointing you to him!

He interviewed sixteen successful online entrepreneurs—people like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, and Noah Kagan—and he shares their top advice for growing your email list in this extremely helpful resource.

Which List-Building Method Is Right for You?


I’ve read it and plan to implement some of the tips myself. You’ll learn methods like the “Eager Sneezer,” “Facebook Arbitrage,” “Lead Magnet Swapping,” to name just three.

With sixteen different ideas, you’ll be able to pick several that are right for you.

These are proven methods that really work, and Bryan breaks them down for you very quickly. For each method he offers a step-by-step implementation plan. You’ll be able to start building your email list seconds after you read his PDF.

Grab the PDF by clicking here. You’ll be glad you did. It’s one the best tools I’ve seen on the subject.

Question: What has been your number 1 way to build your email list? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “16 Proven, Powerful Methods to Grow Your Email List

  1. Thank you for this! I got my domain today. Started writing blogs. I’m going to launch at the end of the month. I’m going to use this. I found you because Michael Hyatt follows you. I’m so glad I did!

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